Monday, February 16, 2015


Hello once again! I know it has been a really long time since i have blogged. I have just been really busy with school, family, and so much more, so i decided to update you guys on what has been going on. So I want to start off is that i have had 3 assignments due. One was a La (language arts) assingment, the next one was a  Science assignment, and the last one was a social assignment. Currently though I am on spring break even though it looks like winter here in Canada. All of my projects i managed to get in before their due dates ( Yay!). Then also my dad's work scedule has changed meaning that he picks us up at different times and different days. One other thing that had happened to me is that i had gotten appliances (yay! not really). My appliances were painful for the couple of weeks but now they are very comfortable.One thing I am really excited for is that my auntie is having a new baby girl. Also in my family there aren't that many girls and by few i mean 2. The last thing is that my cousins birthday is coming up in a couple of weeks ( and by a couple i mean a month) and she is turning two! That is all that there is to inform you guys about and you guys should tell me what i should call you guys.
